The 3 Forms Of Skin Cancer And Hints On Preventing Their Occurrence
Author: Martha Fitzharris
Skin cancer is the fastest growing type of cancer in the United States. 1 out of 3 new cancers is skin related. Excessive sun exposure is the leading cause of skin cancers. The skin tumor normally develops in the epidermis making it visible to the naked eye, which can make the disease easier to diagnose. When treatments start at an early stage, there is a high probability of containing the cancer and curing it completely. Over close to 90% of skin cancer patients make it past the 5 year survival mark.
There are 3 types of skin cancers. The most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. Many different factors can come into play when discussing who is at risk for this form of the disease. Frequent or excessive sun exposure is far and away the biggest reason people develop this skin disease. These cancers develop in the basal layer of the skin and although the cancer does not normally spread to other organs, it can continue to grow locally if not treated properly. The skin pain associated with this form of tumor is initially non-existent what can be a bad thing because it can delay detection.
The second most common form of skin cancers are squamous cell carcinomas. These are not limited to the skin and can occur anywhere from the mouth to the prostate. These carcinomas only make up about a fifth of new cancer cases but are considered much more dangerous because of their ability to spread easily. Squamous cell carcinomas are mostly characterized by a large, red mark that takes the appearance of an open sore over time. They are quite dangerous and should be removed only through surgery or other medically appropriate procedures.
Melanomas are the third and most dangerous form of skin cancer. A large majority of skin cancer related deaths are due to this stage cancer. Most melanomas start off looking like moles. It is essential that if you have a new mole on your body that you get it checked by a doctor. What looks like a simple mole could turn out to be a cancerous growth. The reason its imperative to get any growth checked out is that nearly all skin cancers are 100% curable if found early. Like all other forms of skin cancer, skin type and sun exposure are the biggest factors in determining risk.
Treatment of skin cancers can range from digging out the diseased cells to chemotherapy. Some of the side effects of treatment can range from nausea to hair loss due to chemotherapy. Consult your oncologist with any questions or issues regarding side effects. Alternative medicine options and questions should only be discussed with a certified health care professional.
Use of artificial tanning beds has been shown to be a high risk activity in regards to skin cancers. High concentrated amounts of UV light may give your skin a little color but can cause exponentially more damage in the long run. Is a 1 week tan really worth the risk? People who make their home near the equator need to take extra care since studies show they are more likely to develop skin related issues than peoples living near the poles. Many steps can be taken to avoid skin cancer so do not fret.
A sun screen of at least 30 SPF applied generously every 2 hours will greatly reduce your risk of cancerous growths. Take a few minutes every few weeks so well to give yourself a self examination. Catching something in the early stages can mean the difference between life and death. Hats and long sleeve shirts are your friends during sunny days. It may be uncomfortable to be covered up during hot, sunny days but one needs to think in the future when talking about skin cancers. Just one deep burn can cause you problems down the road.
The sun is a dangerous thing. We need to be aware of the risks associated with excessive exposure in order to protect ourselves. Skin cancer is a common affliction affecting millions of Americans. A few small steps and a little knowledge about the symptoms and treatments can save many lives. Pay attention to any new growth or skin lesion that could be a precancerous signal on the body, do a little more research on the internet about actinic keratosis and contact a health care professional if anything appears. Time is of the essence.
Martha Fitzharris is a member of the research and development team for a natural skin care product. Find out more about how this skin care cream works for acne & rosacea, keloid scar treatment and skin rejuvenation and age spots removal.
Article Source: - The 3 Forms Of Skin Cancer And Hints On Preventing Their Occurrence
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